Thursday, June 19, 2008

The oldest recipient of our YOU ARE AMAZING card

Here is a photo of my stepfather just after he turned 100 with your card. He sure liked it!

Thanks for your thoughtfulness. It's a pleasure connecting with you.

All the best,
T. Poder
Nova Scotia

The meaning of receiving an “You are amazing” card

Receiving an “You are amazing” card brings great pleasure. I saw it in the eyes of the people to whom I offered such a card. My neighbour was deeply touched and not knowing how to react… opened her fridge and gave me ingredients for a fabulous meal. She is an awesome Italian cook and her stuffed pancakes were out of this world. I was expressing my gratitude for the numerous times she’s been there for my child when I came in late from work and the many delicacies she gives me weekly, such as sun-dried tomatoes, pesto, etc. The most marvellous of all is her smile. Upon receiving the card, she took me into her arms and held on tightly. Giving her that card gave me such joy… and a delicious meal!

I gave two cards to a busker in a metro station; one for himself and one to give away as part of the wave of gratitude. Having no change to drop in his basket, I showed him the card. He finished his song and asked me (with great joy in his voice); “You think I’m amazing?” “Yes I do!” He instantly knew to whom he was going to offer the second card and broke into a favourite song of mine without being aware of it!.. Beautiful synchronicity!

The happiness is greater in giving the cards. You get free hugs and you witness the transformation in people as they light up to the idea that they are amazing.

Chantal Bibeau
Montreal QC

Art Blessings in Tibet

For the past few months, the Worldwide Wave of kindness has spread throughout the world: Canada, Hawaii, the United States, Peru, South Africa and Tibet. Many cards have also been given to different humanitarian causes.